added focus to the username field
was committed by Bram de Jong
Saturday Oct 17
changeset - added forus to the form http://github... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- added middleware to catch permissiond... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- eclipse file encoding changes http://... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- added uploads/ directory to .gitignor... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- #@UndefinedVariable added in many fil... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- switched from google js api's to actu... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- added uploading via swfupload http://... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- created permissiondenied class http:/... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset
- added some padding to the forms chang... was committed by Bram de Jong 01:23 PM changeset